So… I missed five days (yes, 5 whole days!) of painting for the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge. What can I say, life just got in the way! I do believe that I will accept the challenge again + next time be more organized. I definitely felt the pressure to create something new + original everyday however, found myself trying techniques + painting subjects I have not tried before – which turned out to be one of the most rewarding benefits of the challenge. I know I will also explore repainting some of the subjects (especially the figurative ones). Painting people has been something I have always avoided. Studying the human figure presents new challenges that I am now willing to accept. Maybe I’ll paint 30 portraits in 30 days… stay tuned…!
Thank you for following me through this painting journey – it was a lot of fun + it was even more fun to share it with all of you! And- thank you Leslie Saeta + Artists Helping Artists Podcast for hosting an awesomely creative challenge!