


Anyone who knows me also knows I love to listen to podcasts of all kinds. You might call me a podcast junkie. I LOVE everything about them. They can be subscribed ( so you never miss an episode) to or listened to at random, any and every subject from politics to travel, actual radio shows can be saved and listened to whenEVER. Um….yeah and yes please! Some are broadcast from the host’s apartment living room or even their garage. I have a standing date ( every other Tuesday ) with Alec Baldwin’s ” Here’s the Thing”. The interviews (and Alec’s voice) have me hanging on every word.  They  transport you to the best of entertainment, interviews and information ( for free).  They are great for passing time at the airport, doctors waiting rooms etc. I especially like to listen while walking in the neighborhood, driving to and from work or my all time favorite doing housework! Before I know it floors are washed, furniture polished, dishes done, cooking…..ok you get the idea.

Listed below are some of my go to podcasts including the Art Podcasts I listen to religiously. The art podcasts especially the ones that address art marketing etc. are awesome and definitely worth giving a try.

http://Here’s the thing

http://Artists helping artists

http://The saavy painter







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